on their legs造句

"on their legs"是什么意思   


  1. in an instant the other two were on their legs .
  2. the workers have little pollen baskets on their legs
  3. hairs on their legs have partially completely dropped off
  4. the chimps were measured both while walking upright and while moving on their legs and knuckles
  5. first, birds were given coloured rings to wear on their legs, so that binocular-wielding “ twitchers ” [ 1 ] from around the globe could see which went where
  6. It's difficult to find on their legs in a sentence. 用on their legs造句挺难的
  7. first, birds were given coloured rings to wear on their legs, so that binocular-wielding [ color = red ] “ twitchers ” [ 1 ] [ / color ] from around the globe could see which went where
  8. some read the analects and feel that nothing has happened, some are pleased with one or two lines in it, and some begin to wave their hands and dance on their legs unconsciously


  1. "on their high horse"造句
  2. "on their honor"造句
  3. "on their honour"造句
  4. "on their knees"造句
  5. "on their last legs"造句
  6. "on their mettle"造句
  7. "on their mind"造句
  8. "on their own"造句
  9. "on their own account"造句
  10. "on their own ground"造句

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